“If growing up means it would be beneath my dignity to climb a tree, I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!” Peter Pan
That feeling you get when your a kid and you're running, running like hell for no particular purpose and to no particular place. Your heart's slamming up and down in your chest so loud you can hear it. You can feel a trickle of sweat running down your back and your lungs are bursting with every breath and your doing it just for the fun of it, just because it makes you feel so alive.

That's pretty much the reason why I do what I do and you either get it or you don't. Sir Edmund Hilary, the first person to ever successfully reach the summit of Mount Everest was once asked why he did it, his response "because it's there".
He got it and so does every other climber, adventurer and crackpot outdoors-man I've ever met. There is no reason to do it other than just to see what it feels like. Just like you did when you were a kid, running like hell.

I'm an adventurer, I like to do things just to see how it feels. I climb mountains, jump off of big cliffs and buildings and I crawl around in caves and do it just for the hell of it. Somehow and often I really cant believe how, I even get paid for it!

Some people tell me I'm nuts, some say I'm even selfish and irresponsible for taking the risks I do. I don't know about that. I think we all have a purpose and as long as something deep inside you says you should do something, then you should.
There is a certain amount of inherent risk in the things I do and I'm fully aware of it. I'm fully aware of the possible repercussions and I take that responsibility very seriously. That's why I always try and do things as safely as I possibly can. Risk is something that needs to be managed and it can be, so long as you are honest about what the risks are and your ability to handle them. 

In this blog I'm going to tell Adventure stories, most of them will be my own but occasionally I'll tell the stories of other people. I'm going to try and give you an idea of how it feels to do what I do, Ill try and introduce you to the incredible people I'm lucky enough to meet and to show you some of the amazing places I'm so blessed to visit. I'd like to hear your thoughts so please drop me a line if you feel like it.

Chat soon